I depend on my small business for fulfillment, much more than for income. I feel deep appreciation and respect for…
I keep lots of cool stuff in the office, which makes the counselling process more creative, playful, and comfortable for…
My “tiny house” office was inspired through my love of tiny houses, as well as several mentors who have cozy…
We decided to install recycled rubber Enviro Tile on the pathway to my private counselling office, to help with safety…
I’ve been asked about my new home-based private practice office in Kelowna quite a lot lately, so here’s an update!…
It’s been awhile since I posted. Life has gotten very full with the launch of my private counselling and consulting…
We all feel ineffective at times, I’m sure. In fact, I suspect New Year’s Resolutions are about tackling things where…
While I am still waiting for my shipment of bracelets to arrive, I’ve begun talking to counselling clients and colleagues…
In late 2016, I published a blog post called “My Story: Living Inside the Prayer” about my journey through chronic…